Feb. 10, 2023, 11:25 a.m.
BASSET-MED aims to provide key information on the biodiversity and marine ecosystems of the Central Mediterranean Sea - Strait of Sicily (SoS), Ecosystem Services (ES) provided, human activities and pressures on those ecosystems, and the degradation risk due to the cumulative pressures of anthropogenic activities and climate change. The premise is that improved understanding of values and functions of marine and coastal ecosystems allows to evaluate more accurately what is being gained and lost when exploitation of natural capital takes place, which can help in assessing the environmental and socio-economic viability of any spatial management plan. These are also the prerequisites for developing a Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) framework that integrates an Ecosystem-Based Approach (EBA) to management, with special attention on fishing activities, fish resources, vulnerable species and marine habitats. Marine ES and the abiotic outputs from marine and coastal ecosystems also support the Sustainable Blue Economy agenda and the project aims at assessing the links between ecosystem services that are supplied by seas and coasts and those demanded by the Sustainable Blue Economy agenda.
Programme: Financed by CNR
Duration: 2022 - 2024 (24 months)
Total budget: € 75.000
MSP4BIODIVERSITY is part of a large project funded through Next Generation EU to establish the National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC). The Center aims at addressing interdisciplinary and frontier research and innovation activities devoted to the knowledge monitoring, conservation, restoring and valorization of Italian biodiversity. MSP4BIODIVERSITY addresses and develops the theme of MSP of Italian marine waters in a wider Mediterranean context, guaranteeing and strengthening the protection of the biodiversity of marine ecosystems and the sustainability of the uses of the sea, through the operational application of social-ecological and truly transdisciplinary approaches, which integrate marine / maritime sciences, spatial planning skills, social and economic sciences. Results of research activities will be directly linked to the ongoing implementation processes of International, European and National policies on the sea (in particular the Maritime Spatial Plans), in close connection with competent administrations, stakeholders and local communities. It will promote the development and application of approaches and enabling technologies (e.g. integration of observations, data, models and support tools) in the planning, monitoring and adaptation phases of MSP and provide operational answers and demonstrations to specific knowledge demands at local or sectoral scale, through selected case studies. Finally, it will design and build the conditions to establish a stable infrastructure of knowledge and related services on the subject of MSP, biodiversity and sustainable blue economy.
Programme: MUR PNRR - National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC) – SPOKE 2 (Solutions to reverse marine
biodiversity loss and manage marine resources sustainably).
Duration: 2022 - 2025 (36 months)
Total budget: € 4.259.000
PREP4BLUE overarching objective is to facilitate a successful first phase (2022-2025) of the Mission Ocean, seas and water, by developing the co-creation and co-implementation R&I modalities required to achieve the Mission objectives and preparing the ground for inspiring and engaging citizens and stakeholders. The project is designed to deliver a series of tools, guidelines, methodologies and recommendations tested through pilots, which will interlink, leverage and optimise activities among the projects funded under the Mission. PREP4BLUE systemic approach will foster cohesion and connectivity between knowledge and technology, funding, regulation, education and skills, social structures and co-creation with R&I actors, citizens and stakeholders. PREP4BLUE multidisciplinary and multi-actor consortium is actively engaged in basin-based strategies and related R&I activities, with strong experience in co-developing business models and recommendations for policy-makers, expertise in social sciences related to participative democracy and citizen engagement and excellent track-record in methodologies for knowledge management and transfer, as well as in stakeholder engagement. PREP4BLUE will also carry out strategic actions to assure the alignment of the CSA with the evolution of the Mission components, including the Mission Core Network, other contributors to the Mission and other Missions. PREP4BLUE will contribute to preparedness and engagement of all relevant stakeholders to empower them to play an active role in the Mission.
Horizon Europe
Duration: 2022 - 2025 (36 months)
Total budget: € 5.000.000
The Adriatic Sea is rich in biodiversity, its mapping of chemical, physical and ecological data, to define its ecological status and quality, are needed as it is still incomplete. The pressure on marine ecosystems is increasing due to coastlines population density and use of the sea for economic purposes such as fishing, navigation, or recreational purposes. The aim of the MSP is to identify and organize the anthropogenic pressures for a rational use of the marine environment, to protect it and preserve its ecosystems. Data from chemical, microbiological analysis, distribution of the pollution (i.e., impact of harbors and contaminations from the coastline), shipping, are collected and organized to prepare data set ready to feed a hub of data then exploitable by stakeholders and decision-makers in MSP' application. These data come from the capitalization of Interreg ITHR Std projects involved for preparing the present proposal. Protocols and guidelines to manipulate these data and to read the results of such measurements, as well as to organize them in a harmonized way are prepared, also to offer shared methodological tactics to speed up the mapping processes and the feeding of this data hub. Good practices are rationalised and shared cross-border.
Duration: 2022 - 2023 (6 months)
Total budget: € 566621
This project is focused in setting-up strategies and approaches to review maritime spatial plans (MSP), and in particular grounded on the interest for the development of data tools, models and reuse of operational data infrastructures, allowing interoperability and enabling Member States (MS) to share MSP data and assessment information. The main objective is to provide EU MS with ReMAP innovative technical framework for the support of the European MSP process. The ReMAP technical framework is mainly aimed at the review, assessment performance and improvement of the adopted plans. ReMAP consortium and proposed framework build on the efforts of the Technical Expert Group (TEG) on MSP data and EMODnet to harmonize EU MSP layer and propose innovative approach of modular analytics.
Programme: EMFAF
Duration: 2022 - 2025 (36 months)
Total budget: € 1900000
REGINA MSP aims at improving the participation of regional and local authorities and stakeholders in maritime spatial planning. This governance level provides an adequate scale for detailed planning of marine areas and for integrating European and National policy requirements with local specificities and needs. The project combines a general analysis at the European level aiming at creating a compendium of regional experiences on MSP and identifying persisting gaps with an in-depth MSP-focused analysis at the level of sub-national case studies in five Atlantic and Mediterranean EU countries (Ireland, France, Spain, Italy and Greece). REGINA MSP methodology includes analysis of existing policy and planning documents, literature review, collection and assessment of spatial data, interviews with actors and engagement of regional and local stakeholders. CNR-ISMAR is involved in all project activities, working in particular on the definition of a common methodological approach to case studies and on the implementation of the Italian case in Sardinia region. Besides reports, the project will deliver policy-oriented papers and briefs targeting different uses (the EU, countries and regions).
Programme: EMFAF
Duration: 2022 - 2024 (24 months)
Total budget: €1.957.909
The European Green Deal (EGD) is an ambitious package of policy initiatives to set the EU on the path to a green transition, improving the well-being and health of citizens and future generations. MSP-GREEN recognises that EGD components within MSP plans are still limited and must be reinforced and operationalised. The project aims at developing a framework to analyse and strengthen the role of MSP plans as “marine enablers” of the EGD, focusing on the topics of particular relevance for the marine environment and the sustainable transition of the blue economy: climate change mitigation and adaptation, circular blue economy, protection of marine biodiversity, marine renewable energies, healthy and sustainable food from the sea. MSP-GREEN approach builds on three major components: analysis, innovation (via valuable practises and new actions), and transferability. Recommendations on how to strengthen the EGD ambition of EU MSP plans and boost EGD implementation with actions addressed by MSP will be prepared based on the project results and by consulting experts and practitioners at EU level. CNR-ISMAR contributes to several project activities and will lead WP4 “Towards a Greener MSP for Europe: scaling-up and innovating” aiming at defining the recommendations to make MSP an enabler of the EGD.
Programme: EMFAF
Duration: 2022 - 2024 (24 months)
Total budget: € 1.933.548
With an overall aim to support the coherent implementation of the EU (European Union) Biodiversity Strategy (EUBS) 2030, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) post-2020 framework, as well as the EU Green Deal, MSP4BIO develops and demonstrates the ways in which knowledge-based MSP becomes a vehicle and a tool for the protection and recovery of ecosystems. Specifically, MSP4BIO will develop an integrated flexible socio-ecological management to cope with a rapidly changing environment for coastal, offshore, and deep-sea ecosystems and validate its concrete applicability in 6 test sites in 5 European Sea Basins. The management relies on improved systemic biodiversity prioritization criteria for MPAs and EBSAs, based on the best available scientific knowledge on biodiversity attributes, and linking spatial ecological features (including migratory ones) with socio-economic considerations. MSP4BIO uses a participatory approach to co-develop ecosystem services tradeoff scenarios to prioritize the areas and assess the suitability of spatial and strategic management measures from the ecological and socioeconomic perspectives. The approach integrates the criteria and objectives of relevant maritime and biodiversity policies as well as the EUBS 2030 to ensure coherent policy implementation. As such, the project will develop and improve approaches, methods, and tools to feed scientific knowledge, making it of direct use to planners and MPA managers, while producing site-specific results informing site-specific, and broader policy processes and decisions. The project builds on and integrate existing knowledge and results from multiple origins, and ensures effective collaboration with relevant projects and initiatives to fill present gaps on marine biodiversity, speeding up the scientific brake while paving pave the way for effective biodiversity management.
Programme: Horizon Europe
Duration: 2022 - 2025 (36 months)
Total budget: € 3.500.000
The three-year CrossGov R&I project aims to enhance knowledge on how coherence and cross-compliance of marine related policies and legislation affect the ability to realise the EU Green Deals goals for the protection of marine ecosystems and biodiversity, and to co-create proposals and roadmaps together with the CrossGov Stakeholder Forum for more consistent and integrated approaches towards this end. The analyses and proposals will be conducted in the context of the multilevel governance system encompassing various sectors, composed by global and regional international frameworks, the EU and the European coastal states with their different national arrangements. The project addresses governance in three European marine regions: the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea. The core strength of CrossGov is the close collaboration with the policymaking community and the production of co-created knowledge and solutions through innovative, web-based and fit-for purpose roadmaps and methodological guidelines. This will enable policymakers to effectively foster environmentally sustainable law and governance that is fit-for-purpose for delivering the societal transformation called for in the GD. Through the development of analytical and methodological guidelines for the studying of coherence and cross-compliance, CrossGov will develop a comprehensive and innovative research model. This model is expected project will enhance knowledge on, and reinforce, cross-compliance, coherence and innovation in EU marine governance to strengthen the resilience of European seas and facilitate the implementation of EUs Green Deal. The research brings forth innovative methodologies to systematically identify, analyse and remediate weaknesses, gaps, and inconsistencies in law, policies and decisionand policymaking processes to halt the degradation of European seas and facilitate cross-compliance within and across biodiversity, pollution and climate related laws and policies.
Programme: Horizon Europe
Duration: 2022 - 2025 (36 months)
Total budget: € 3.000.000
AZA-Sardegna will draw up the regional plan of the allocated zone for the aquaculture in the marine, coastal and inland waters of Sardinia region. The project will yields advancement in knowledge of the target aquatic ecosystems and will implement an interoperable and community-based spatial information system.
Programme: FEAMP
Duration: 2020 – 2023 (36 months)
Total budget: € 1.700.000
BRIDGE-BS will map, monitor and model ecosystem services and their responses to stressors in order to identify the safe operating space within which sustainable, climate-neutral blue economy can develop. To achieve this, BRIDGE-BS will advance knowledge and deliver research under three nodes: Service Dynamics, Blue Growth Incubators and Empowered Citizens.
Programme: H2020
Duration: 2021 – 2025 (48 months)
Total budget: € 9.000.000
The SATURN project consortium will combine multidisciplinary expertise to identify i) the sounds that are most detrimental to aquatic species and how they are produced and propagated, ii) the short-term and cumulative long-term negative impacts of noise from shipping and boats on three representative groups of aquatic species in rivers and the sea (invertebrates, fish and marine mammals), iii) the most promising options for measuring and reducing the negative impacts of ship noise that can be applied to current and future vessels.
Programme: H2020
Duration: February 2021 – January 2025 (48 months)
Total budget: € 8.966.000
Technical and scientific support for the preparation of the maritime spatial plans of Italian marine waters (Adriatic, Ionian-Central Mediterranean, Tyrrhenian-Western Mediterranean) according to Decree n.201/2016 and MSP National Guidelines, including stakeholder consultation and transnational cooperation. In partnership with CORILA and IUAV
Programme: Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobilities (Italian MSP Competent Authority)
Duration: 2021 – 2022 (24 months)
Total budget: € 457.000,00
The overall objective of MSP-MED is to favour the MSP Directive’s implementation in
the Mediterranean Sea, by supporting the establishment of coherent and coordinated maritime spatial plans across the
Mediterranean, for promoting a sustainable and long lasting “blue” development.
The MSP-MED project will capitalize the results of important EC-funded projects on MSP, recently carried out and
on-going, involving a large part of the EU Member States of the Mediterranean (IT, FR, SP, SLO, ML, GR) and their
MSP Competent Authorities, promoting also the active participation of the other MS and of non-EU Mediterranean
Programme: DG Mare EASME
Duration: December 2020-2022 (24 months)
Total budget: € 3.100.000
CNR ISMAR was involved in the Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection Community (MBPC) project co-funded by INTERREG-MED programme to deliver a study supporting decision making for improved environmental protection of the SAIS-EBSA. This is an area of high ecological importance, hosting valuable benthic communities (such as deep-sea corals and deep-sea sponge aggregations) and important habitats for Mediterranean megafauna species. The study mapped the distribution of maritime activities occurring in the area as well as of key ecological components (habitats and species), to then identify major pressures exerted by the firsts on the seconds. Tools4MSP CEA, a Python-based Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for geospatial analysis in support of Maritime Spatial Planning and marine environmental management, was used to assess the cumulative impact of maritime activities and relate pressures on selected species and benthic habitat and identify priority areas of concern for conservation. Eventually, the study delivered three narrative scenarios about the possible future development of marine protection and maritime sectors in the SAIS-EBSA: “Business As Usual”, “Sustainable Blue Economy” and “Nature Protection” scenarios.
Programme: EMFAF
Duration: 2021 – 2022 (11 months)
Total budget: € 17.950
The main objective of MISTRAL is to create a symbiotic and transnational community of the Mediterranean Clusters active in the Blue Growth domains (blue energy, aquaculture, maritime, coastal and cruise tourism, blue biotechnology, marine mineral resources). MISTRAL empowers and increases the effectiveness of the quadruple helix actors’ innovation activities such as know-how and technology transfer, business creation, networking, interactions with policy makers, promotion of new models for the governance, involvement of SMEs/corporates in open innovation programs.
Duration: 2018-2022 (48 months)
Total budget: € 4.800.000
MspGlobal is a joint initiative developed by the Unesco’s International Ocean Commission (IOC) and the European Commission department responsible for EU policy on maritime affairs and fisheries DG MARE. MSP Global initiative aims to design international guidelines on Marine/Maritime Spatial Planning while supporting the cooperation between EU and non EU Member States, on defining regional recommendations in line with the WestMED Initiative and promoting the adoption of a roadmap and on strengthening institutional capacities.
Duration: 2019- 2022
The ITEM project formed a community of 50 universities, small, medium and large companies aim work in an
integrated and exclusive way in order to: identify the main technological gaps and opportunities for the competitive
industrial development of the country; develop industrial research testing new technologies patented by the project
partners; design new technologies aimed at: improving the observational systems needed to ensure the quality of the
marine environment; at producing systems useful for the sustainable use of environmental restoration ,marine biotic
and abiotic resources; at the identification of new products, foods, materials and marine-derived medicines.
The project’s objective is to innovate marine research in Italy and to boost an economic and social growth instrument
based on the sustainable use of resources and opportunities in the light of a blue economy.
Programme: MIUR
Duration: 2020-2022
Total budget: € 700.000
The project aims to create a cross-border technical, scientific and institutional cooperation between Italy and Croatia in the Northern Adriatic Sea to face together the challenge of assessing the impact of underwater environmental noise on the marine fauna and in general on the ecosystem on a basin scale. Its main objective is to establish common management and mitigation policies to strengthen the marine spatial planning and the protection of ecosystems in order to increase environmental benefits and to contribute to the blue growth of the EUSAIR region.
Programme: Interreg IT-HR
Duration: 2018 – 2020 (30 months)
Total budget: € 2.000.000
The Geoportal uses, feeds and supports transnational cooperation networks. The project also tests the use of the Geoportal as a concrete support for the development, in four demonstration areas, of strategie.
Programme: Interreg-ADRION
Duration: 2018-2020 (33 months)
Total budget: € 1.500.000
BLUEMED-CSA, Research and innovation for blue jobs and growth in the Mediterranean Area, H2020 (2016 – 2020). It aims at supporting the BLUEMED Initiative, boosting Blue Growth in the Mediterranean by promoting the concrete and operational implementation of the BLUEMED SRIA. This project has the privilege to set, for the first time in the whole Mediterranean Basin, the scene for the long-term effective coordination of marine and maritime research and innovation activities, consolidating networks and establishing mechanisms that will remain and be further developed after the conclusion of the project.
Programme: Horizon 2020
Duration: 2016 - 2020 (54 months)
Total budget: € 3.000.000
PHAROS4MPAs project aims to enhance management effectiveness and networking for Mediterranean MPAs, in order to contribute to the conservation of marine biodiversity and natural ecosystems, taking into account the complex ensemble of human activities developed within the Blue Growth perspective and their interaction with protected areas and marine ecosystems. To achieve this goal PHAROS4MPAs supports the implementation of EU maritime policies for the sustainable management of human activities and the protection of Mediterranean ecosystems, including the MSP Directive and the MSFD among others.
The project aims to capitalize existing results delivered by EU-funded projects and other initiatives concerning MPAs and their interactions with economic sectors by developing an integrated framework for recommendations on the necessary practical collaboration between MPAs and such maritime sectors. Project outputs include delivering common capitalization baselines, recommendations and policy tools adapted to appropriation by the MedPAN network, MSP authorities, the European Commission, the Barcelona Convention and the various maritime sectors.
Duration: 2018 – 2020 (24 months)
Total budget: € 1.200.000
The project aims to develop an integrated analysis of fishing activities in the Chioggia Maritime Department, within the broader context of the uses of the sea.
It also focuses on the analysis of conflicts, synergies and impacts, through scientific approaches and tools used at national, Mediterranean and European level and identifying possible management measures for fishing activities or those that influence the fishing sector, in a wider context of uses of the sea and the coast and environmental and socio-economic sustainability.
Programme: Po FEAMP
Duration: 2018-2019
Total budget: €24.000
SIMWESTMED focuses on supporting the implementation of the Directive on Maritime Spatial Planning in Member States’ (FR, SP, ML, IT) marine waters and onlaunching and carrying out concrete, cross-border MSP cooperation between Member States in the Western Mediterranean region.
Programme: DG MARE EASME
Duration: 2017-2018 (24 months)
Total budget: € 2.820.000
SUPREME project involves public authorities in charge of MSP, as designated by the Governments of four EU Member States (GR, HR, IT and SL), and the UNEP/MAP Barcelona Convention.
SUPREME focuses on two key objectives: to support the implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in EU Member States and to launch and carry out concrete and cross-border MSP initiative between Member States.
Programme: DG MARE EASME
Duration: 2017-2018 (24 months)
Total budget: € 2.500.000
MED-CO-EVOLVE project aims to study and promote the co-evolution of human activities and natural systems in touristic coastal areas, allowing sustainable development of touristic activities based on the principles of ICZM/MSP.
CO-EVOLVE couples a presently unavailable analysis at MED scale of threats and enabling factors for sustainable tourism with local studies on representative Pilot Areas, in order to demonstrate through pilot actions the feasibility and effectiveness of a ICZM/MSP based planning process.
Duration: 2016-2019 (36 months)
Total budget: € 3.000.000
The Project is one of the National Research Programmes funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research.
The activities of this National flagship Project on marine and maritime research topics, coordinated by the CNR, are mainly concentrated on the Adriatic-Ionian Region and are indeed related to the main priorities indicated by the EUSAIR Action Plan, as they tackle and go deep into the available knowledge and address priority actions on the issues of maritime traffic, fisheries and aquaculture, energy (oil & gas), coastal and maritime tourism, pollution and biodiversity protection.
Specifically the project aims to support the overall MSP implementation process in the area; to make available valuable data, tools and knowledge for the development of sound planning and management solutions; to formulate specific and concrete proposals (per sectors / per sub-area) to tackle some key priorities of spatial planning and management of marine resources, in collaboration with competent authorities and stakeholders.
Programme: Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR)
Duration: 2016-2018
Total budget: € 170.000
The project aims to explore opportunities for Multi-Use in European Seas across five EU sea basins (Baltic Sea, North Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and Eastern Atlantic). It focuses on: exploring the opportunities for Multi-Use in European Seas, including the scope for innovation and Blue Growth potential; presenting practical solutions on how to overcome existing barriers and minimize risks associated with Multi-Use development. It also focuses on maximising local benefits and on providing an understanding of environmental, spatial, economic & societal benefits of co-location.
Programme: H2020
Duration: 2016-2018 (24 months)
Total budget:€ 2.000.000
Project funded by the European Commission – DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) under the theme “Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) in the Mediterranean sea and/or the Black sea”.
It improves the on-going process to develop MSP in the region;supports overcoming barriers of full participation of all neighbouring countries in the process and promotes sound technically/scientifically based political decisions in order to promote a coherent transnational approach to the spatial planning of the marine seas.
The study area is the Adriatic - Ionian Macro region considered as a whole, zooming into two focus areas, one in the Northern Adriatic Sea and the other in Southern Adriatic Northern Ionian Sea.
The project aims to improve the on-going process to develop MSP in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. It also promotes a smooth implementation of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR).
Programme: DG Mare EMFF
Duration: 2013- 2015 (18 months)
Total budget: € 1.200.000