Feb. 10, 2023, 11:25 a.m.
Tools4MSP Team
The design, development and implementation of the Tools4MSP modelling framework together with the maintenance and update of the Tools4MSP Geoplatform is coordinated by the Tools4MSP Team. The Team is part of the CNR-ISMAR (Italian National Research Council - Institute of Marine Sciences), Office of Venice.
Currently, our research activities focus on the analysis of cumulative effects from human activities, trade-off -synergies analysis of multiple sea uses, ecosystem-based approach, integration of ecosystem services into MSP and development of open source tools to support MSP and ICZM.
Members of the Tools4MSP Team:
PhD, Andrea Barbanti (Research Manager)
Has a PhD in Earth Sciences and a background in environmental geochemistry and coastal oceanography. He is Research Manager at National Research Council - Institute of Marine Sciences (CNR-ISMAR), where he develops science-to-policy activities and research initiatives promoting Blue Growth at national and EU level, focusing on the Mediterranean basin. He is member of the Project Management Team of BLUEMED Coordination and Support Action and coordinator of the BLUEMED Policy Platform. He is coordinating or is involved since 2012 in several National and European projects dealing with Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) (e.g. RITMARE, ADRIPLAN, MUSES, SUPREME, SIMWESTMED, CO-EVOLVE, PORTODIMARE, PHAROS4MPAs, ITEM, MSPMED), developing and testing approaches and tools for MSP in the Adriatic-Ionian Region and the Mediterranean and supporting in all aspects the MSP implementation process. Since 2019 he is National Focal Point for the UNESCO/IOC-DG MARE MSPglobal Initiative.
PhD, Alessandro Sarretta (Researcher)
Degree in Environmental Sciences, Master in Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing, PhD in Environmental Sciences. Researcher at CNR-ISMAR from 2012 and CNR-IRPI from 2019, previously grant holder at Joint Research Centre of European Commision at ISPRA (VA). Working on Coastal and Marine Environments, Maritime Spatial Planning, Decision Support tools, Spatial data Infrastructures, Research Data Management, Standards and Interoperability, Open Science.
PhD, Stefano Menegon (Researcher)
Stefano is an Environmental Engineer with a PhD in Information Technology for Environmental Science. He is an expert on environmental and predictive modelling, geospatial analysis, geostatistics, complex data integration, data sharing strategies, interoperable infrastructure and collaborative geospatial web applications. Currently he is senior research-technologist at CNR Institute of Marine Science (Venice, Italy) working on the design and development of geospatial tools to support Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) activities and, more in general, in translating environmental challenges into data-driven models and tools. Since 2013, he is coordinating the development of the Tools4MSP modelling framework.
Dr. Amedeo Fadini (PhD Student)
Work experience in computer science the field of Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) planning and cartography, especially in the Public Sector.
Bachelor degree in Communication Science (2006) and Master’s degree in GIS and Remote Sensing (2014) qualified as
Land Planner (2016).
As a GIS analyst and developer works mainly on data infrastructure, maintenance, design and upgrade alongside the
development and implementation on web based support tools.
Is currently enrolled as a PhD student with the IUAV University in Venice.
PhD. Elisabetta Manea (PostDoc-Research Fellow)
Post-Doctoral researcher. PhD in Marine Biology and Ecology, she is a marine ecologist working at the National Council of Research - Institute of Marine Science (CNR - ISMAR). She contributed to different research projects focused on the study of marine biodiversity, benthic ecology, and marine ecosystem functioning through the adoption of molecular approaches. She has been involved in different European projects to support the integration of the ecosystem-based and ecosystem services approach within Marine Spatial Planning and marine conservation and management for the achievement of conservation and sustainable development goals in the Adriatic-Ionian Region and Mediterranean Sea. She carried out teaching support activity in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Master Course on Marine Spatial Planning at the University IUAV of Venice. She is contributing in developing and testing methodological approaches and tools to support an Ecosystem-Based MSP.
Elisabeth De Maio (Research Assistant)
Research assistant at the Institute of Marine Sciences of the Italian National Research Council (CNR ISMAR, Venice) with a master degree in biology. She's currently working on development of web-based tools to support management and publication of oceanographic and ecological data.
Elena Gissi (Researcher)
Elena Gissi, PhD, Senior Researcher, is visiting scholar at Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station, USA. She was awarded of a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship by the European Commission with her project MEDIX “Marine Environmental DynamIcs and seX-based analysis for climate change adaptation in marine spatial planning” (2020-2023). Her research focuses on understanding and modelling the responses to climate change of marine life at multiple levels of biological diversity, to incorporate this knowledge in marine management and CC adaptation and mitigation. She has over a decade of research experience in producing and integrating ecological knowledge and insights in decision making processes. She has applied her findings in marine spatial planning, and also in environmental and energy planning. She was Assistant Professor at the University Iuav of Venice, where she coordinated the local research units in many research projects (e.g., ADRIPLAN, SUPREME, SIMWESTMED). Among others, she designed and coordinated the Interreg Europe Project IRENES “Integrating RENewable energy and Ecosystem Services in environmental and energy policies”, and the Erasmus Mundus Master Course on Maritime Spatial Planning. She holds the Italian National Habilitations as Associate Professor in Ecology and Spatial Planning.
Emiliano Ranieri(Researcher)
Has a Degree in Environmental Sciences and is Research Manager at the National Research Council – Institute of Marine Sciences (CNR-ISMAR). His research mainly focus on science to policy and science to practices projects and activities at the national, Mediterranean and EU level, specifically dealing with Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), Land-Sea Interactions (LSI), sustainable blue economy and climate change adaptation (in particular in coastal and marine areas). Since 2011, he has been involved in several MSP and ICZM projects, as SHAPE, MUSES, SUPREME, SIMWESTMED, MASRPLAN-BS, EU MSP Platform, PHAROS4MPAs and MSPMED. Since 2011 to 2021 he has been member of the European Topic Centre on Climate Change Adaptation of the EEA, in particular contributing to the development of the EU Climate-ADAPT platform. He is also experienced in regional (Mediterranean Sea) and sub-regional cooperation (Adriatic-Ionian region) on above topics.
Sofia Bosi (Research Assistant)
Research assistant at the Institute of Marine Sciences of the Italian National Research Council (CNR-ISMAR) in Venice with a Master’s degree in Physical Oceanography. She specialised in the study of particle dispersal at the ocean surface using Lagrangian particle tracking, with a focus on the effects of Stokes drift on particle transport. Currently working on the design, development and application of decision support tools for the assessment of the cumulative impacts of natural and anthropogenic pressures in the marine environment, as well as development of risk analysis and assessment of future scenarios, adaptive planning and management measures.
Dr. Alessandro Mulazzani (consultant)
Degree in Environmental Sciences and Master of Sciences in Marine Resource Development and Protection. Experience in Marine protected areas management and planning (was member of the MPA technical secretary of the Italian Ministry of Environment in 2001-2003). Involved in several national projects about environmental protection, coastal zone management and planning, landscape planning and architecture and international projects about MSP (CAMP Italy, Supreme, Pharos4MPAs, PortoDiMare).
Laura Gusatu
Degree in Urban Design and Planning and Master in Territorial Planning and Regional Development. Currently finalizing her PhD in Spatial and Environmental Planning of offshore renewable energy infrastructure, with a focus on offshore wind farm deployment in the North Sea basin. The PhD project was part of the ENSYSTRA research consortium, under European Union’s Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie research an d innovation programme.
Matteo Ranalli
Matteo Ranalli (Advanced Master in Sustainable Blue Growth and Master's Degree in Innovation and Development) has extensive experience in sustainable blue economy policies, gained through participation in projects and programs in collaboration with private sector, government institutions, research organizations, and consulting companies. His activities cover both integrated policy aspects, such as maritime spatial planning and marine environment protection, and sectoral aspects, particularly in the areas of maritime transport, fishing, and tourism. He has participated in numerous projects on the Mediterranean, European, and global scales, for Disney Cruise Line, Ecorys, the University of Cagliari, EMFF/EASME, and the Minorca Environmental and Social Observatory.
Andrea Tonon and Filippo Bonetto
Additional members
Chiara Venier (Former Member)
She has a MSc. Degree in Environmental Sciences, a PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences and a postgraduate Master in Europroject design. She’s currently working as a Technologist at the Institute of Polar Sciences of the National Research Council in Italy. Part of the team until 2019 now at CNR-ISP.
Daniel Depellegrin (Former Member)
He has a PhD in Ecological, Biomedical and Environmental Science at KU-MARSTEC (Klaipėda, Lithuania). He is an expert in socio-ecological analysis of coastal areas and geo-spatial analysis of human-nature interactions in the land-sea interface. Part of the team until 2019 now at University of Exter.
Andrea Vianello (Former Member)
Graduated in Geographical Information System (GIS) at IUAV-Venezia in 2003 and gained his second Bachelor degree in Forests and Environmental Technology at Univerity of the study of Padova (2009). Master's degree in Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing at IUAV-Venezia (2014). Parto of the team until 2016, now at Eurac research.
Dr. Agnese Cosulich (Former Member)
Has a Master in Maritime Spatial Planning and a background in regional planning.
She matured experience in marine related projects coordination among differnet countries and institutions like
IOC-Unesco in Colombia, CPPS- UNEP-WCMC in Ecuador and WWF in Italy.
She is currently a Research Fellow at the National Research Council - Institute of Marine Sciences (CNR-ISMAR),
where she supports the following MSP Projects: MSP-MED, ITEM and Soundscape.
PhD, Giulio Farella (Former Member)
Is a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Marine Sciences of the Italian National Research Council (CNR ISMAR, Venice), with a MSc in marine biology, a postgraduate specialization in management of Marine Protected Areas and PhD in ecology and climate change. His main research interests include cumulative impact assessments, maritime spatial planning, community ecology, ecological monitoring and restoration, marine bioconstructions diversity patterns and environmental protection. He is involved since 2017 in several national and international projects (Ritmare, Supreme, Simwestmed, Pharos4MPAs, PortoDiMare, Soundscape, MSPMED) aimed to provide guidelines to foster efficient and coherent maritime spatial planning for habitat conservation and mitigation of human impacts.